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Northern Caribbean University Alumni Association


Cayman Chapter


For Immediate Release




NCU Re-Launches Cayman Alumni Association


With a view to contributing significantly to the Cayman community, the Cayman chapter of the 


alumni association of Northern Caribbean University will be re-launched on Thursday, 18 June.


“With the large number of graduates here in the Cayman Islands, we believe that a local alumni 


chapter can make a significant difference to the social development of the Cayman Islands and for 


this reason we are particularly excited about this re-launch,” said Dr. Ivor Harry, Education 


Secretary for the Cayman Islands Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.



The university, which celebrated its hundredth birthday in 2007, places much emphasis itself on 


contributing to a strengthening of the social fabric of Jamaica in a number of collaborative efforts 


“The availability of these resources to the Cayman community is what makes this relaunch so exciting,” 


Dr. Harry said, pointing to one particular programme, “The Empowerment Training Project,” as offering 


potential for sponsorship by the Chapter for use in Cayman. 



The Empowerment Training Project was launched in 2010 by the university’s Community Counselling 


and Restorative Justice Centre (CCRJ).  The CCRJ is a community outreach entity operated by NCU since 


2003 and works collaboratively with two Jamaica Government organisations – the Victim Support Unit 


and the Centre for the Investigation of Sexual Offences. 



The CCRJ’s Empowerment Training Project, Dr. Harry says, can be easily adapted for use in Cayman. 


More than 1,248 participants from over 25 communities and schools In Jamaica have benefitted from 


the project.  The aims of the project include achieving better educated and well-informed parents, and 


stronger, more supportive, responsible families; decline in teenage pregnancies; less abuse and neglect 


of children and youth; and a stronger sense of self and greater commitment towards self-development, 


among other important social development targets.  



“The proven track record of this project in achieving positive results in Jamaica’s schools and 


communities has created a demand for the programme in Jamaica and elsewhere, and we believe that it 


can have a similar impact here,” Pastor Harry says.



Through sponsorships of projects such as this and others available from the alma mater, the Cayman 


Chapter of the Alumni Association, Pastor Harry says, offers an avenue for NCU graduates to make a real 


Explaining the resources and amenities available at NCU, Dr. Harry noted that the institution is 


headquartered in Mandeville, Jamaica, and operates extension campuses in Eastern and Western 


Jamaica.  Nearly 4,000 unique students from 26 countries are enrolled in its five colleges and one school 


The university is accredited by the UCJ (University Council, Jamaica), the same authority that 


accredits the University of the West Indies (UWI).  



“The majority of our programmes are accredited, and the others are in the process of being 


accredited by the UCJ.  In addition, the university administration is preparing for a self-study in 


pursuit of ‘institutional accreditation,’” said Dr. Trevor Gardner, President of NCU.  


Institutional accreditation, a status that UWI itself only recently achieved, means that all the 


academic programmes and services as well as the operations of the institution meet the required 


standards of the national accrediting body within the country.  In essence, all the academic 


programmes of the university would be recognized internationally, Dr. Gardner said.


“This would be a great accomplishment for NCU, as currently the only tertiary institution in Jamaica 


with full accreditation from the UCJ is the University of the West Indies,” said Dr. Gardner.


Membership in the Cayman Chapter of the Alumni Association is open not only to alumni but to all 


friends of the university.  The chapter’s re-launch takes place on Thursday (18), at 6:30 pm, at the 


The Adventist church in the Cayman Islands is one of the fastest growing, with a membership of some 



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